Maca and Cocoa

Many people have remarked how Cocoa and Maca go together in taste and also effects. One method of preparartion is to blend
(in a coffee grinder) your choice of Cocoa (sweetened or not) and add two level tablespoons Maca Powder. Blend for 60 seconds
and add HOT water. Mix/stir well until all lumps have disappeared. Amount of Maca to use can vary to the individual's tastes and
requirements. Maca can also be capsuled although we DO NOT recommend buying capsules of Maca as they have a tendency
to be adulterated with common mountain yam powder. Also the fresh powder remains active for months close to a year if stored well
(airtight, away from light). Maca can also be taken in hot/warm water alone. Mixed well and sweeten with a non-sugar sweetener,
Aspartame is NOT recommended. Stevia and some of the new maltitol/xylitol sweeteners should be agreeable to most.

Many people make their own "Cocoa Compounds" using Maca in conjunction with other nutritive herbs or extracts.